Dr. Charlie's Project Work Guidance

Dr. Charles Tang has been working in the IT field for a quarter century. He is keen on integrating business, social, and technological disciplines for innovative products/services. This blog is to guide his students on doing small scale project management.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

SADM - 2nd Week Tasks

Division of Labour
- Assign members to comlete the following tasks:-

[1] Cover Page Corrections
a). Never have header/footer on cover page
b). Must have Software Title on cover page
c). All members listed with student number, eMAIL address, and blog address
d). Cover page is a whole page, not separate pages

[2] Content page - don't amend anything in here at this stage

[3] Starting Page
a). Project title - which is actually your software product name
b). Software Description - which has been typed last week
- get another member to proofread and update if necessary.
c). Company Description - type in today, hardcopy given in the last lesson

[4] Second Page - Structure Chart (using Word's Organizational Chart)
a). Option #1 - Company Structure + your group structure
- if you are a computer company
b). Option #2 - Company Structure separated from Computer Group Structure
c). Must clearly shown the System Manager - Dr. Charles Tang
your Group Name
your Software Name
Your Leader outstands as a block
All members outstand on lower level, each on a block

[5] Third Page - Gantt Chart (using Excel, then capture and paste "special" to your Word Report)
- Work breakdown as below
1 Formation of Group (17/11/2004)
2 System Proposal
2.1 Report Draft
2.2 Software Description
2.3 Company Description
2.4 Company Structure Chart
2.5 Data Flow Diagram

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


CRM 是「客戶關係管理」的簡稱。顧名思義,CRM的目的在於運用有效的管理方法,包括管理學上的兩個e:效率(efficiency)和效果(effectiveness),來促進客戶與公司的密切關係。這個命題是廿一世紀電腦化事務系統中重要的一環。

我所帶導的三個小組都是做這個專題研習,只是着眼點不同而已。由此,我採用當代英國管理學大師雷文士教授Prof. Reg Revans 的「行動學習」法Action Learning 來指導這批充满幹勁的三年級專題研習科學生。其精髓在於將共同目標的學員細分成三數個縱隊,平時各隊自己行動學習,但定期雲集一堂各舒己見並進行激烈辯論,擦出智慧的火花,以期達到徹底互動學習的目標。不過,平時無聚會的時候,各行動學習組員都會利用共享的網站來交流通報的。微軟的討論場http://groups.msn.com/CustomerRelationshipMgt 是我們主要的資源分享平台。

除了學習的方法外,我們還充份運用VE虛擬企業媒體來體驗實務開發工程。我們IVE 有一個專門的網址協助學生實習虛擬企業,叫做「香港實習企業網絡」http://www.hknve.org/,十分值得學生進入開發資源。


(一)海鳥小組(劉遠燕  何雅筠 同學)
香港品牌國際有限公司(VE) http://hk.geocities.com/seabirdgroup/


(二)通撒小組(劉震國 唐德輝 馬沛然 葉恆祥 同學)
康寶萊公司(VE) http://hk.geocities.com/tongshark2003/


(三)欣然小組(馮凱恩 邱嘉恩 區慧賢 吳愛欣 同學)
恩言家電用品(VE) http://hk.geocities.com/yanyingroup/



Friday, November 05, 2004

001 - Project Deliverables

One-month Short-Term Project Work

Week #1 - Brain Storming Stage
1. Proposing a Virtual Enterprise
(a) What business? What Size etc.
(b) Composing a Company Profile
(c) Draw a Company Structure Chart
2. Proposing your IT Division
(a) Draw a Divisional Structure Chart
1. Highlight your IT Division and the Division that you are going to computerize
2. Highlight yourself in the Divisional Structure Chart

Week #2 - Project Proposal Stage
1. Outline of the project
2. A plan of work - Gantt Chart
3. Write a Systems Request
1. Making use of various CASE tools available online

Week #3 - Literature Review Stage
- From various resources
1. Books
2. Scholastic periodicals
3. Internet Search Engines
4. Internet Open Sources
5. Software vendors/products etc.
1. Write a section on how others could contribute to your project. That is, what your group could learn from them to develop your project.

Week #4 - Software Application Stage
1. Select one or more application software to process your data
1. Use RAD (Rapid Application Development)
2. Do a simple but useful popular daily business application
e.g.: A Customer Contact Rolodex, a Mass-mailing service, etc.

Week #5 - Presentation of Work Stage
1. Post your fruit online use BLOG - an Abstract
2. Write up and hand in your Group Project Report
3. Make a Presentation Slide Show
4. Every group member give a speech in front of the class
e.g. of a BLOG:

Remarks on Project management skills mark:-
project logs (week #1 - 4)
* Never depend on other group members,
but to give your contribution to the whole group
to make your group work a success and
proud to be presented to the whole world.

000 - Project Work Requirements

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwai Chung)
Department of Business Administration
Higher Diploma/Diploma in Accounting & Information Systems
21231/2 & 21221/2
Systems Analysis and Design Methods (AIS2409)

Project Work Guidance (15% of whole module)

· to further develop the skills in systems analysis, design, and implementation;
· to further develop the project management skills;
· to allow students to follow up an area of interest;
· to develop the ability of students in literature search.

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
· gain experience in literature search and project proposal;
· demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and manage a comprehensive short-term (within a month) project;
· apply the knowledge and skills to implement a solution of a daily-encountered problem set.

Key Content Area
The unit is centered on a single project, chosen by a student or a group of students, which solves a problem. The unit provides the opportunity for students to link materials from different units in the course and to follow up, in detail, an area of their own interest. A variety of software tools and hardware platforms are available, and the projects tackled essentially reinforce the use of these, in a problem-solving context, as well as further developing the students’ problem solving abilities.

Projects are implementation-oriented and should address a significant business or technical problem. Students are expected to develop a commercially realistic solution of a problem and to conduct some literature search in order to support their work, and to put into practice basic project management techniques.

Teaching & Learning Strategies
The module is delivered through laboratory classes only. It is a practice-oriented module.
Each project can be carried out on an individual basis or by a group of 2 to 4 students, provided the level of complexity warrants it and the group can demonstrate cohesiveness.
Students are expected to carry out their project work in the laboratory classes and their private study time.
Project suggestions are normally developed by students, with the assistance of their lecturer who can also suggest project titles and outline specifications.

Presentation of the students will be individually assessed. The written report, including project management skills, will be assessed according to group performance and individual contribution.
Each group has to submit a written statement along with the written report. The statement, which indicates the individual contribution of work of each student in the group in every stage, will be used to determine the weighting given to each student for awarding marks.